Between the villages of Mytikas and Fylla, on a rocky hill two Venetian forts were built in the 15th century. At its foothill flows the river Lilandas. These two towers, among other tasks, secured the waters of the river to protect and optimise the water supply system in Chalkida and controlled the irrigation of agricultural fields. Probably in one of the two towers a Venetian officer, the river master (potamarchis), who was in charge of this system.
This place has an amazing panoramic view of the Lilantian plain and the river. The towers are well preserved but the surrounding area seems a little bit abandoned. There are two basic views on the place. One, like a birds-eye view, is revealing the whole landscape and the other is capturing details of the place. In a way I am the observer but also I am part of the observation, I am becoming part of the landscape.


Greece 2024 | Maria Gouveli | Turning the tide