"No one imagined this disaster. Then, a lot of people came to clean up. And unrelated people, who we only had a “hello”. Very compassionate afterwards and tolerant, because we could operate the store and psychologically. We sat, just like this… We couldn't do anything. We were in denial, really in denial. Our friends and people we know were coming here. And our house was flooded, we live behind the store. A lot of disaster."
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"I asked, what happened to this bridge, guys? They said the river took it. The river doesn't take an iron bridge! No matter what... I asked again, they said the bridge fell down, got covered in mud and other stuff and stayed there, buried. Why they had to leave the bridge there? This bridge is historic, it had to be rebuilt. It stayed there."
"It was the 9th of August , the customers left. The season was gone, gone…The sea was ruined. People couldn't swim. The sea was murky. The mud... Very bad. And such a strong stream!"
Greece 2024 | Maria Gouveli | Turning the tide