Eco Festival


Eco Festival Chalkida

What could be the connection between the Pythagorean cup and the devastating floods and fires? Through conversation and painting, participants will express their ideas and concerns about the future of the environment. How do they envision their future on our planet? How do they imagine a “beautiful” or “ugly” landscape? How will we produce food in the future? What do they consider important for the protection of nature? What are their messages? Let's give space and time for the voices of our children to be heard!

Pythagorean cup

Pythagorean cup, created by the mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras, stands as e lesson on moderation and the consequences of greed. It is a tangible demonstration of the concept: “nothing in excess” and reflects the concept of limit.

The workshop

dsc 0020
dsc 0021
dsc 0022
dsc 0036
dsc 0038
dsc 0041